Hoshin Engi, also known as Soul Hunter, known in Japan as Senkai-den Hōshin Engi, is a Japanese anime and manga series by Ryu Fujisaki.
The manga, titled Hoshin Engi in English, was inspired by a series of novels by Tsutomu Ano, which were in turn based on the ancient Chinese novel Fengshen Yanyi. The story of Soul Hunter involves the legendary history of China, in particular the last members of the In (Yin Dynasty) and the plot to overthrow them. Characters of Soul Hunter: Konron, Suupuusyan (Sibuxiang), Nataku, Youzen, Bukichi , Raishinshi, Ko Hiko, Ko Tenka, Ko Tensyou. In this category you can find high quality Soul Hunter wallpapers and posters.