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Ou Kijin & Taikoubou wallpaper

Ou Kijin & Taikoubou wallpaper

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Ou Kijin & Taikoubou wallpaper
Wallpaper Description: Ou Kijin The youngest of Dakki's sisters, she is 1000 years old and a youkai sennin. Her true form is that of a stone lute. Ou Kijin can be hot headed and this gets her into trouble twice in the manga. The youkai sennin is smart, but she's eventually outwitted by Taikobou. Ou Kijin has an older sister, Kou Kibi, to which she shows affection, especially in the anime, where they can often be seen together. Kijin has the Shiju Hagoromo, made by Tsuuten Kyoushu from the silk of a poison moth. In the anime, Kijin has a foul-smelling green dust, which she can ignite and cause great damage (she has the hagoromo in the anime too, but it seems it's for decorative purposes only, because kijin doesn't use it at all).

Taikoubou- The main character of the series. He is a disciple at Konronsan and Genshitenson's best pupil. He received the Houshin project from Genshitenson, and became a strategist to defeat the collapsing Yin Dynasty and to help the Buou of the Shuu. Although Taikoubou wears very strange clothes, he has the sharpest mind in Konron. Taikoubou was the son of the leader of the Kyou tribe, and was named Ryo Bou, but Taikoubou lost his parents in a Yin human hunt.
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Rating: 2.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 284.1 KB
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