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Wallpaper Description: Youzen is a disciple at Konronsan. Actually, Youzen is the son of the leader of Kingoutou, Tsuutenkyoushu and a youkai senin. Youzen surpassed his teacher and has power equal to a senin, but because he does not want to take a student, remains one himself. His senin name is Kenseijirou Shinkun. He is a person of extreme confidence and takes great pride in his appearance. At first, Youzen doubted Taikoubou's strength, and proposed a test, but finally approved of his means and became an ally. Youzen has the ability to change into the body of any living thing, although his favorite transformation is that of Dakki. When transforming into a doushi or senin, he can use the other's paopei, but if they are a higher level, Youzen cannot copy them perfectly. Because of his ability to transform without using paopei, even the Seninkai call him the genius disciple.
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File size: 279.3 KB
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