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Inu-Yasha characters

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Wallpaper Description: InuYasha can perform the following techniques:

Iron Reaver Soul Stealer
InuYasha's basic attack, which channels his yokai powers through his claws, and is powerful enough to tear apart iron, making it easy for him to rip his enemies in half. Interestingly, despite being InuYasha's most rudimentary yokai-powered attack, it is still very powerful, as demonstrated when he quickly disposed of the Mistress Centipede, who just attained possession of the Shikon Jewel from Kagome.

Blades of Blood
InuYasha's blood, when combined with the "Soul-Scattering Iron Claws", does damage when thrown. With this attack, he is able to attack his enemies from afar instead of in close combat. InuYasha splashes his own or other's blood on the end of his claws and flings them like multiple shuriken comprising of red-colored yokai energy to cleave his foes in two.

wall art made by: Reffer Lift
Date: 03.05.2008 19:53
Downloads: 78
Rating: 3.77 (9 Vote(s))
File size: 231.4 KB
Added by: Admin
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