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Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi power

Haruhi power

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Haruhi power
Wallpaper Description: Haruhi's powers which are capable of altering, creating, or destroying reality are triggered by her emotions and inner desires. It's been theorized by the espers that the current universe may be just one in a string that Haruhi had subconsciously created. In order to relieve stress whenever she becomes too emotionally unstable, patches of alternate dimension referred to as "closed space" are created and within resides gigantic blue entities that destroy the surrounding area. Despite having these powers Haruhi is completely oblivious to them or the existence of aliens, time travelers, and espers.

wall art made by: DevilTheory
Hits: 1710
Downloads: 22
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 188.3 KB
Added by: Admin
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