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Shikamaru Nara



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Wallpaper Description: As a genin, Shikamaru Nara was the sort of unenthusiastic kid who likes clouds watching. He prefers not to get involved in \"troublesome\" situations as during the attack on Konoha by the Sand and Sound villages where he pretends to be unconscious. He is fully aware of this side of his personality and even dubs himself \"the number one at running away\" or \"the number one coward\". However, when duty calls, Shikamaru has a strong moral compass and sense of commitment to his comrades. Even though by his own testimony he lacks bravery, he will sacrifice himself and face almost certain death for the sake of his friends or village's people without a second thought, such as when he stayed behind to confront a team of Sound ninja, giving Naruto enough time to catch up with Sasuke.
Hits: 6809
Downloads: 37
Rating: 3.83 (6 Vote(s))
File size: 144.6 KB
Added by: cliodhna
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