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Negima wallpaper

Negima wallpaper

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Negima wallpaper
Wallpaper Description: After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, Negi is given a duty as a cover in the real world, and training, before he actually becomes a Magister Magi. That duty is to become an English teacher at Mahora Academy in Japan. The task will not be easy, however, as Negi will become a teacher to a Middle School class of 31 older girls, each very special in her own way. The series details his time and adventures in Japan as he gains acceptance and respect from his students, helps them in their problems, and faces magical threats from inside and outside Mahora Academy. His main relationship is with Asuna Kagurazaka, his student and roommate, who dislikes him initially but later accepts him as a friend and becomes his partner, helping find clues about his father and his life.

The events differ from those in the anime.

Negi starts out as a young boy who simply does what he does to chase after his father, a famous mage. His next test to be like his father is to be the teacher of 31 unique girls. Every obstacle the girls throw at him, he triumphs. Occasionally, he gains help from his students through a pactio, which gives the girl a magical artifact and can sometimes transform into magical beings. However, after suffering near losses from Fate Averruncus (a pawn of a more powerful unknown opponent) he realizes he must become stronger if he hopes to achieve his dream of meeting his father. He, though a teacher, asks his students to teach him to be stronger. With training, he triumphs against an old foe, who also was employed by a more sinister opponent. He is also able to crush his former student's, Chao's, attempt to show magic to the whole world. With this, he decides to push on and goes to the Magic World for more information about his father. There, he meets Fate once again. Despite having lots of his friends along (each with pactios or their own abilities), he is unable to score a decisive victory against Fate. He and his friends are teleported to separate areas. Negi resumes his training in hopes to find his friends.

wall art made by: fruits candy
Hits: 18456
Downloads: 65
Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 202.5 KB
Added by: Admin
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