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Princess Emeraude and Zagato

Hikaru and Zagato

Hikaru and Zagato

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Hikaru and Zagato
Wallpaper Description: After introductions, the girls met Master Mage Clef, who told them the plight of Cephiro, which spurred from High Priest Zagato "capturing" Princess Emeraude. Unaware of the real situation, Hikaru volunteered herself to become a Magic Knight, and wanted to save Cephiro. With that, Clef gave Hikaru the blessing of magic. The three Magic Knights then go through a series of events, which led to the three learning spells, obtaining weapons, and reviving the Rune-Gods of Cephiro. Along her journey, the three girls gradually became best friends. Eventually, they reached Zagato and killed him, but had to kill Princess Emeraude as well, as she had become filled this only fueled the anger of Emeraude and she attacked the Magic Knights. After learning Emeraude's true purpose of summoning the Knights, which was to kill her, Hikaru had to do what she was summoned for. She, along with Umi and Fuu, delivered the last, fatal blow to Emeraude, killing her. Although Emeraude was thankful to be reunited with her love, Zagato, the Magic Knights returned to Earth in sadness, wishing that there could be a less horrible solution.
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File size: 264.5 KB
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