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Kamiya Kaoru & Himura Kenshin

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Kenshin & Kaoru

Kaoru poster

Kaoru poster

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Kaoru poster
Wallpaper Description: Though she is short tempered and possessive, Kaoru is incredibly selfless. Kaoru took in a 10 year old pickpocket, a 19 year old street fighter, and a wandering vagabond who used to kill for a living without thinking twice over their pasts. Kaoru began the 'kenshin gumi' out of willingness to help others. She is considered naive to be so trusting, but she has the maturity to handle the consequences. Kaoru's beliefs are held strongly and proudly, almost stubbornly, particularly her beliefs in the sword.

wall art made by: TiffYG2133
Hits: 2302
Downloads: 59
Rating: 4.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 210.4 KB
Added by: Admin
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