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Punch of Edward

Sadness of Edward

Sadness of Edward

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Sadness of Edward
Wallpaper Description: Edward is very sensitive about his height, and overreacts to the slightest comment about it. He will occasionally break out into rants and outbursts, and isn't above physically attacking those who insult him, however innocent the antagonizer. Edward also displays a childish immaturity when it comes to things like needles and milk (he detests both). Ed can hold a grudge for an eternity, and will go to extreme lengths to receive an apology or to possibly avoid giving one himself. Edward is extremely idealistic and strongly believes in Equivalent Exchange, using it almost religiously. However, he is agnostic and shows intolerance toward religion during most of his youth. Edward has said that alchemists are "about as close to God as you can get." He has a hot temper, inherited from his father, which was only fueled after his father's abandonment and mother's death.

wall art made by: Raisha
Hits: 3980
Downloads: 57
Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 121.8 KB
Added by: Admin
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