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Abel Nightroad wallpaper

Abel Nightroad wallpaper

Abel Nightroad wallpaper

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Abel Nightroad wallpaper
Wallpaper Description: Abel Nightroad was created in 2088 A.D. in London as one of the so-called "Test Tube Babies." There four artificial humans (Lilith Sahl, Cain Nightroad, Abel Nightroad, Seth Nightroad) were created to be in charge of the colonization of Mars after the Earth's population drastically increased. On Mars, the colonists discovered two alien technologies (the Bacillus and the Crusnik nanomachines), which they installed in their bodies: the colonists, the Bacillus; the Test Tube Babies, the Crusnik, since only their enhanced bodies were able to survive this combination. As the colonists returned to Earth, a war broke out between them and the humans who remained. Abel (hating the world for creating him and his beloved "siblings" as toys back then), Cain, and Seth took the Methuselah's side — while Lilith supported the humans' side. After she was killed by Cain (now insane after he had fused with the Crusnik nanomachines at 100%), Abel Nightroad retrieved her body, and, in grief, brought it to the Vatican, where she was buried. For 900 years, Abel stayed by her side and wept, until young Caterina Sforza fled to the crypt as she was chased by Methuselah assassins. Abel, realizing that it was his task to continue Lilith's work and defend the humans, saved the young Caterina and chose to live on. He joined the AX at its foundation in May, 3055 A.D. Also, in "The Night Lords V.", Abel finds out that Cain is still alive. Near the end of the series, Abel is apparently killed by Cain. Father Tres later gives him Lilith's nanomachines, reviving him in 100% Crusnik form. Cain and Abel fight, but neither of them is victorious. During the ending credits, it is shown that Abel is indeed alive and is joined by Ion in his quest to kill Cain.
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Rating: 4.00 (11 Vote(s))
File size: 106.2 KB
Added by: Admin
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