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Syaoran & Sakura wallpaper

Syaoran & Sakura wallpaper

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Syaoran & Sakura wallpaper
Wallpaper Description: Syaoran first meets Sakura at school on his first day as an exchange student from Hong Kong. His seat is behind Sakura, an ideal position for the many grueling stares that he gives her throughout the next few manga chapters and anime episodes. That same day, he confronts her about the Clow Cards, claiming that he is the one destined to inherit them.

This attitude continues throughout the first season of the anime where Syaoran constantly tries to capture new Clow Cards before she can, often stating facts about the Cards and about Card-capturing in a condescending manner. Although he would appear to do anything it takes to get the Cards, Syaoran never acts or fights dishonorably (i.e. stealing Cards from Sakura or injuring her in order to get ahead). Syaoran, despite the fact that he acquired far fewer cards than Sakura, still succeeds in capturing the Time, Storm, Return, Dash, Freeze, Dream, Sand and Twin. As Sakura and Syaoran continue to meet whenever a Card-capturing situation arises, they begin to work together and combine their efforts, although he still tries to win the Card in the end. Additionally, starting halfway through the first season, Syaoran begins to blush occasionally when he comes face to face with Sakura, usually after she smiles or makes a sweet comment.

In season one, he considered her an annoying rival. In season two, they are on friendly terms. In the later episodes of this series, he is developing a crush on her. In season three, he takes a more serious interest in Sakura. By this time, he finally sees Sakura's good qualities shining above all her faults and insecurities.

wall art made by: Mew Mokuba
Hits: 41446
Downloads: 263
Rating: 4.10 (10 Vote(s))
File size: 252.5 KB
Added by: zaoka25
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