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Belldandy, Urd and Skuld

Belldandy and Holy Bell

Belldandy and Holy Bell

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Belldandy and Holy Bell
Wallpaper Description: Belldandy's angel is Holy Bell (Blesséd Bell in some versions of the English manga); her elemental attribute is wind. Like all angels, Holy Bell augments Belldandy's magical powers when called upon, and like all angels, she also reflects her master's current state. For example, when Belldandy falls unconscious after being infected with a virus (in the movie), Holy Bell emerges comatose and covered with crystals that represent the virus.

wall art made by: Cynical1126
Hits: 17339
Downloads: 248
Rating: 3.86 (7 Vote(s))
File size: 223.3 KB
Added by: Animania
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