Tenchi Muyo!, is an anime, light novel, and manga series about a boy named Tenchi Masaki and the alien women who love him. The original series, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, is a six episode OVA (Original Video Animation or Direct-to-Home Video) series. Tenchi Muyo! was one of the early successes for AIC, the animation company behind it, which went on to create El-Hazard, Battle Athletes, Oh My Goddess!, Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure and many other anime series. The main artist for the series is Masaki Kajishima. Main Characters: Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, Washu, Kiyone, Ryo-Ohki and Noike. In this category you can find high quality Tenchi Muyo wallpapers and posters.