Samurai Deeper Kyo Wallpapers |
Samurai Deeper Kyo is Akimine Kamijyo's first published manga. The manga led to the adaption of an anime series of the same name from Studio Deen. Both the manga and the anime combine action with the supernatural, taking liberties with historical personages to create an alternate history of Tokugawa Japan. The Story of Samurai Deeper Kyo, follows the story of Demon Eyes Kyo as he seeks to regain his body after his soul was sealed inside the body of his rival, Mibu Kyoshiro. Main Characters of Samurai Deeper Kyo: Demon Eyes Kyo, Mibu Kyoshiro, Shiina Yuya, Migeira and Benitora. In this category you can find high quality Samurai Deeper Kyo wallpapers and posters.