Kobato is Clamp's latest manga series which premiered in Monthly Sunday Gene-X in January 2005. The story features a mysterious young girl, Hanato Kobato, who works in a local kindergarten. Kobato is sweet and perky girl, but also extremely naive about the world around her. She has a "mission", which is to fill a mysterious bottle of hers with the suffering from people's hearts so her wish to go a certain place that she desires to go can be granted. However, she must not fall in love with a particular boy she works with and whose heart she must heal. It has been recently announced that KOBATO. will be a TV anime that will air in autumn of 2009. It will air on NHK. Main characters are: Kobato Hanato, Ioryogi, Kiyokazu Fujimoto, Sayaka Okiura, Chitose Mihara, Okiura and Gensei. In this category you can find high quality Kobato wallpapers.