Martian Successor Nadesico or Mobile Battleship Nadesico is a science fiction comedy anime TV series, and a later manga series created by Kia Asamiya. The series takes place in the year 2196, where the Earth is in a war with a race of alien invaders called the "Jovian Lizards". To combat it, a company called Nergal designs a powerful space battleship, the ND-001 Nadesico. The main problem with the Nadesico is the crew. While it consists of the top civilian experts in their fields, these individuals tend to have "some slight personality disorders". The primary protagonist, Akito Tenkawa, is a boy with a mysterious past; once a resident of Mars' Utopia colony, he escaped its destruction by the Jovian Lizards and arrived on Earth, with no memory of how he got there but a terrible fear of the invaders. Main characters: Akito Tenkawa, Yurika Misumaru, Ruri Hoshino and Gai Daigoji. In this category you can find high quality Nadesico wallpapers and posters.