Juna Ariyoshi
Juna Ariyoshi

Earth Girl Arjuna Wallpapers
Earth Girl Arjuna s a thirteen episode anime series created by Shoji Kawamori that was originally aired by TV Tokyo between 9 January 2001 and 27 March 2001. The Earth Girl Arjuna series was also later completely broadcast by the anime satellite television network Animax. Arjuna is set in Kobe, Japan, where the protagonist, Juna, is attending high school. The story opens on her telling her boyfriend, Tokio, she feels too cramped in the city, and deciding to take a trip to the Sea of Japan. On the drive, they get in an accident, and Juna dies. As her spirit leaves her body, Juna sees the Earth suffering, visualized by worm-like creatures, the Raaja, entwining the planet. A young boy, Chris, appears to her, and offers to save her life if she will help the planet. She agrees, and is resurrected. Characters: Juna Ariyoshi, Chris Hawken, Cindy Klein, Tokio Oshima, Saiyuri Shirakawa, The Raaja. In this category you can find high quality Earth Girl Arjuna wallpapers and posters.

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