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Yuina Hatori - Manga Angel Dust



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Wallpaper Description: Akito Haga, a Takashiro High School student, makes his daily routine to climb the stone steps leading to a neighborhood shrine. One day, a girl with wings (who we later is named Marino) falls from the sky in front of Akito.

Akito later meets another girl named Musia who claims to be an Emulate, a living android who protects and complements humans. Musia then kisses Akito to seal a contract between them.

Then, another Emulate named Leia comes and kisses Akito, also sealing a contract between her and him.
Hits: 6994
Downloads: 253
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 113.5 KB
Added by: miyacho
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