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Spike Spiegel

Spike Spiegel

Spike Spiegel

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Spike Spiegel
Wallpaper Description: Spike has many talents and abilities, including very sharp eyesight, abnormally acute perception, and extraordinary luck. Spike makes use of sleight-of-hand techniques to win card games, pick pockets, and even to slip things onto other people unnoticed. He is well versed in weaponry (such as his personal Jericho 941 as well as other guns and explosives) and hand-to-hand combat skills. He follows Jeet Kune Do, the mindset developed by Bruce Lee, though he has a penchant for high kicks of French boxing. Spike is also a pilot, and flies a converted Asteroid racer called Swordfish II which is armed with four machine guns, multiple missile launchers, and a single plasma cannon.

wall art made by: dejiko12
Hits: 4526
Downloads: 70
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 258.0 KB
Added by: Admin
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