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Alichino Manga



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Wallpaper Description: The story of Alichino focuses on Tsugiri, a sorrowful Kusabi. Although he was born to slay the alichino, he is set back by his miserable past. As a child, he was feared and hated by the townspeople because the alichino were so attracted to him that they seduced and killed many people to lure him out. One horrible day, his mother was murdered and he was beaten almost to death. Fortunately, he was saved, but his memory of his childhood was hidden away.
Now as a young man, Tsugiri must fight the alichino and try to save the fragile hearts of those around him.
Hits: 2922
Downloads: 49
Rating: 4.50 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 279.7 KB
Added by: medineboba
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