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Okita style

Okita style

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Okita style
Wallpaper Description: Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi some time before his departure to Kyoto in 1863. He soon became a founding member of the Shinsengumi and a Fukuchou Jokin (Vice-Commander's Assistant.) Okita Rintarou, also a practitioner of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, became a commander of the Shinchougumi (the Shinsengumi's brother league in Edo.) Okita was the second youngest among the Shieikan members, most likely with Todo Heisuke being the youngest. He was one of the Shieikan members involved in the Serizawa Kamo (one of the original commanders of the Shinsengumi) and the Uchiyama Hikojiro assassinations in 1863.

wall art made by: Jaguar
Hits: 1885
Downloads: 50
Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 188.2 KB
Added by: Admin
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