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Wallpaper Description: Nagakura Shinpachi was the captain of the 2nd troop of the Shinsengumi. Nagakura Shinpachi Noriyuki, known as Eikichi or Eiji during his childhood, was born in the Matsumae clan's "kami-yashiki" (upper residence) in Edo on the 11th day of the fourth month of Tenpo 10 (1839.) His father, Nagakura Kanji, was a retainer of the Matsumae clan, with a 150 koku stipend. Like Okita Soji, Nagakura was a true product of the Edo era-- being a son of a retainer (of a domain he had never seen), who had lived in Edo his entire life.

wall art made by: kitabug69
Hits: 4063
Downloads: 25
Rating: 3.67 (3 Vote(s))
File size: 102.5 KB
Added by: Admin
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