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Yoh Asakura

Yoh Asakura

Yoh Asakura

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Yoh Asakura
Wallpaper Description: Yoh Asakura is the The main character of Shaman King. Yoh Asakura is easy-going, laid back, and carefree, which causes him to have an open mind and makes him relax in extreme situations. \"No one knows what will happen in the future. There is no sense in worrying in something you do not and cannot control, so why bother?\" This famous line of his is his philosophy in life, which always shines through in Yoh Asakura's personality. Yoh's only goal is to live an easy life, and he believes that when he becomes Shaman King, he will achieve that goal.
Hits: 8427
Downloads: 188
Rating: 2.00 (4 Vote(s))
File size: 110.6 KB
Added by: Admin
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