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Ryuki Shi and Shurei Hong
Ryuki Shi and Shurei Hong

Akito/Agito Wanijima Wallpapers
Akito Wanijima and Agito Wanijima are two personalities that make up the Fang King. They are originally part of the Wind SWAT team, in which they are treated like a tool by their older brother, Kaito. Ikki eventually saves them, and they join Kogarasumaru. They switch who is in control by using an eye patch. Akito is innocent and non-violent. He becomes attracted to Ikki, much to Ikki's discontent, and often tries to kiss, bathe, and sleep next to Ikki. He states he was the original Fang King until he became disgusted with himself and became unable to use AT. Agito then appears and starts using ATs, while following his own violent and bloodthirsty nature. In this category you can find high quality Akito/Agito wallpapers.

Agito Wanijima
Agito Wanijima

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