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Angelic Layer (Enjerikku Reiyā) is a manga series released by Clamp. The manga is published in Japan by Kadokawa Shoten. The manga was adapted into a 26-episode anime series titled Battle Doll Angelic Layer. The main character of Angelic Layer is Misaki Suzuhara, a seventh grader who just moved in to Tokyo in order to live with her aunt, Shouko Asami. After arriving in the city, she watches the battle doll Athena on a big screen television outside of Tokyo Station and becomes interested in learning about the amazingly popular toy called Angelic Layer, a game in which players (called Deus) buy and custom-design dolls known as Angels. Characters: Misaki Suzuhara, Ichiro "Icchan" Mihara, Hatoko Kobayashi, Kotaro Kobayashi, Tamayo Kizaki, Ohjiro Mihara, Shuko Suzuhara. In this category you can find high quality Angelic Layer wallpapers and posters.